05 December 2012

#015 Ura Maki

The surprise ACEO for Bluechild :3

Ura Maki © 05th December 2012 by LdT

  • Time: ???
  • Medium: Copic Marker, Normal Copy Paper 70g/m², Polychromos, Nail polish glitter :D
  • Size: ACEO
  • Dedication: Bluechild
  • Like: The colours and brightness of this ACEO :3
  • Dislike: The crappy lines >.< So sorry for that !

Maki is the young girl and the cousin of Nori ♥ Ura is her pet tortoise hehe :D
For those of you who know Nori & Sir Sushi, try to google for Ura Maki 8D
Hope you like this card as I do xD
While drawing this I missed home and the fesh sea breeze a bit lol 
Crabs, crabs, crabs ~

L.unarT ♥

02 December 2012

Blue's Fate [OC]

My lovely OC Blue with a cornflower ♥

Blue's Fate  © 2nd December 2012 by LdT

  • Drawn for my BLUE PROJECT +Raffle --> Click HERE !
  • Time: About 2 days during my livestream x__x 
  • Medium/Material: GT Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen&Touch S
  • Program:  PT SAI (for the skin), Adobe Photoshop CS 6 (Lines, and everything else)
  • Like: Her hair and eyes :3 And the skin colour even though I bet you can't see the color differences ?
  • Dislike: That it turned so dark after saving...or rather like her top turned out too bright ^^'
I guess this one can be considered my best digital artwork so far ? :3
I put a lot of effort into the hair T^T but I'm satisfied with the result even though I needed wayyy too long to finish it. But I supose this is how it always is if you're a noob with digital arts ? Other people might have done it within a few minutes while I was siting on tem for hours //D
Btw, I put the stars one for one onto the picture...

This is how Blue's clothes look like even though you can't see the pendant since she's got her arm in front of it :) This is her business clothes so she does have different casual clothes and different earrings too :3

Wishing everyone a very happy and cozy 1st Advent ^^
And thanks for all the likes an Facebook ! Seems like you really like this picture ♥ xD


01 December 2012

Blue, Blue my Love is Blue ♥ [Project/Raffle]

Ich liebe Blau ! ♥ (wie mittlerweile schon so einige wissen ///D)
Ich habe einen OC namens Blue, die blaue Haare und blaue Augen hat und bin mir sicher es gibt von eurer Seite aus noch mehr tolle blauhaarige OCs
In letzter Zeit gab's ja recht viele solcher OC-Aktionen/-Projekte und da dachte ich mir ich starte auch eins :3
Zum teilnehmen solltet ihr aber bitte ALLES genau DURCHLESEN :3

Was ich mache:

Ich zeichne eure BLAUhaarigen OCs !
Vorerst ist digital geplant, evt. aber auch traditionell oder kombiniert, je nachdem wieviele OCs sich auffinden lassen :D
Da das nicht nur eine Zeichenaktion zum reinen Vergnügen meinerseits ist, sollt ihr natürlich auch was davon haben eure OCs mir zur Verfügung zu stellen !
Unter allen Teilnehmern deren OCs ich auswähle zu zeichnen wird am Ende eine oder 2 Kopien (A4) des Gesamtbildes verlost ! :3
Aus diesem Grund ganz wichtig!!!

Wenn ihr euren OC mir hier oder auf Facebook postet müsst ihr damit einverstanden sein, dass ich das fertige Bild mit eurem Charakter abdrucken und verlosen werde ! 

Eine anderweitige Nutzung der Vervielfältigung des Bildes wird natürlich ausgeschlossen, also ich plane nichts kommerzielles ! ;)
Ich behalte mir vor selbst auszusuchen ob ich euren OC zeichne oder nicht! Ich werde aber alle OCs mit Namen markieren wenn ich sie zeichne !

Was IHR tun müsst:

  1. Ihr müsst alles gelesen haben und der Bedingung (oben in groß !) zustimmen indem ihr am Anfang eures Posts Ryokai! schreibt :D
  2. Postet mir euren OC / eure OCs (so viele ihr wollt, Ganzkörper , wenn keine besondere Kleidung dann auch Halbkörper, am besten noch bunt) bis zum 21.12.2012 21:00 Uhr unter diesen Post oder bei dem entsprechenden Beitrag auf Facebook ! :)
  3. Euer OC sollte blaue bis türkise Haarfarbe haben, bzw. Blau sollte überwiegen, weshalb auch andersfarbige Strähnchen erlaubt sind :)
  4. Schreibt mit bitte zusätzlich:
      • Was für einen ungefähren Blauton (z.B. Copic-Farbe, ansonsten ein Beispiel oder hell/mittel/dunkel) und welche Augenfarbe hat euer OC
      • Mini-Steckbrief: Name, Geschlecht (heutzutage weiß man ja nie //D), Alter,Charakter, besonderer/s Merkmal/Gegenstand dieses OC
      • Was euren Chara ausmacht (also warum ihr ihn mögt)! :) 
  5. Abwarten und Tee trinken, bis ich dann das Bild fertig hab //D *tee ausschenk*
Nochmal zusammengefasst:
Ich zeichne eure Charas wenn ihr die Bedingungen gelesen habt, alle Fragen beantwortet habt und einverstanden seid.
Wenn ihr bis hierhin gelesen habt schreibt zusätzlich ein Wort das mit Blue-/Blau-... anfängt am ENDE eures Posts :) Ich verlose dann das Bild sobald ich fertig bin, es steht natürlich jedem frei, ob er das Bild haben möchte xD
ICH übernehme natürlich die Versandkosten wenn's soweit ist ;D

Wenn die Aktion gut läuft mache ich dann evt. eine Fortsetzung mit einer anderen Farbe :3

LG und postet mir fleißig eure OCs ! ♥
L.unarT \(^.~)/

P.S.: Ich suche mir die Charas nach Sympathie und Randomness aus! Außerdem wär's schön wenn ihr meine Künstlerseite auf FB geliked habt weil ich dann davon ausgehe, dass mein Zeichenstil euch irgendwo ein bisschen vielleicht gefällt und ihr deswegen euren OC gezeichnet haben wollt //D 

25 November 2012

Push the whale ... [Livestream Artwork][OC]

Thanks to all who visited my livestream today ! ♥
I really had much fun and I hope you had too even though it stucked sometimes >.<
Here's the result of the randomness and brainstorming session of the Streamchat :D

Pls watch again next time ♥

  • Time: While streaming...
  • Medium/Program: Switching between Photoshop CS6 & Paint Tool SAI
  • Size: 1240x1140 px 
  • Dedication: To my streamwatchers who had really inspiring ideas xD
  • Like: The colors and waves.. Sir Sushi is cute ///3
  • Dislike: The ugly clouds xD
So my new OC Nori (=Seaweed), a calm and good boy, is trying to help and pushing (without any progress) the noble Sir BlueGrey Lord of Sushi Earl of Hemmingway back into the water because Sir Sushi has stranded once again. Poor little Sir Sushi however, so I found out, has a complete different problem than being stranded lol.
Check out this awesome fanart of Chamsae ♥ --> *click*

You are very welcome to use this as a wallpaper or to draw him but I would wish you to send me a note or a link to your drawing ;) ♥

LunarT ♥

22 November 2012


Birthday present for a turkish friend ♥

Peony © 22th November by LdT
  • Time: 6 hours straight ...
  • Medium: Water Colour, Ink
  • Size: A5
  • Dedication: Esma Abla :D
  • Like:  The flowers and all the glitter which can't be seen on the scan ...
  • Dislike: I had troubles with the colours since I don't have a proper red colour :<

I took a photo to show you that there's really glitter on it but since I finished it at 3 a.m. the light is a bit too dark ...

L.unarT ♥

15 November 2012

#014 Ginko [ACEO]

Ginko © 15th November by LdT
  • Time: ~5 hours
  • Medium: Copic Marker, Nail Polish, Gel Ink Pen
  • Size: ACEO/KaKAO
  • Status: Original: - | Editions: free (PM me if interested ;3 )
  • Like:  The colours, kimono, the skin coloration and the curly hair //D
  • Dislike: The Ginko tattoo kinda failed :<
I don't like drawing too colourful or bright pictures but this time I really wanted to push it a bit more than I usually do and it turned into this //D To me, the red is a bit aggressive but that's why I was perfectly able
 to release stress on this picture xD
I wanted to do even more shapes and decoration stuff in the background but it was already too crowded (and I was lazy)...
Btw, it's glittering and sparkling all over but since I wanted to show you that in the photo it turned out too dark because it's already night now ...

L.ove ~
L.unarT ♥

11 November 2012

#013 The Double-Blue Card (Blue [L.unarT's OC] & Bluechild [Bluechild's OC] [ACEO]

Because of our self-set trade rules I won't be able to show the card yet xD
Pls, have patience ♥

The card arrived at its' new owner so here you go:

The Double Blue Card © 11th November 2012 by LdT

The left one is my OC Blue, the right is Bluechild's OC Bluechild :D
  • Time: Don't know any more ^^''
  • Medium: Copic Marker, Copic Paper >.<
  • Size: ACEO
  • Dedication: Bluechild
  • Like:  Blue of course :D... I mean the color... :DD
  • Dislike: The Copic Paper !! >__< It ruined the coloration of the ACEO T^T

L.unarT ♥

Lee MinHo [Portrait|Pencil]

Lee MinHo - a popular korean actor and model and the favourite of a good friend of mine //D

So this portrait is a birthday gift for her !

I totally suck with portraits and it's not as dark as I wanted to since I didn't have enough time to work it out and I'm not happy with the face and the hands at all but at least she did recognize him so I guess it's fine xD

Lee MinHo © 11th November by LdT
  • Time: half a day...
  • Medium: Pencil
  • Size: A5
  • Dedication: H.A.
  • Like:  ...
  • Dislike: ...

I have to practice a lot more with portraits but at the same time I don't want to do any portraits again in the near future xD


29 October 2012

#012 Rufin [ACEO]

Rufin © 29th October by LdT
  • Time: maybe about 3 hours ?
  • Medium: Copic Marker
  • Size: ACEO/KaKAO
  • Status: Original: free | Editions: 3/3 free (PM me if interested ;3 )
  • Like:  The clothes and his red hair ! That's why he's name Rufin //D
  • Dislike: A very random BG as always ...
I named him Rufin because he's a red-head xD This is a failed attempt to draw a bishie xD But I still kinda like him :3


#011 Seth [OC] [ACEO]

Seth © 29th October by LdT
  • Time: A couple of hours ?
  • Medium: Copic Marker
  • Size: ACEO/KaKAO
  • Status: -
  • Like:  The blue lantern and its glow //D ♥ his dagger :3 and most important: it's BLUE ! ♥ xD
  • Dislike: The coloration of the skin ...I wasn't able to fix the shadows :<
Seth is a character from my planned story R.C. (working title). He is one of the main characters together with Hayuki, a character I already posted before :) As you can see with all the blue he's the rather calm type but he's good with arms. I'm gonna make a whole page on this blog for all me OCs with a short description as soon as time allows :)

L.unarT ♥

#009 Sigrun [OC of Mikey] & #010 Aglo [OC of Aglo Aros] [ACEO]

I forgot to update my new ACEOs ^^'' A couple of artgifts :)


 Sigrun © 29th Oct 2012 character by Mike Tränkler art by LdT

  • DEDICATION: To its owner Mikey ! :3
  • Time: I failed in realising what I wanted to do :< And again a random background >.<
  • Medium/Material: Copic Marker, Colour Pencils, Pastel colours
  • Like: Her mouth maybe ? And the Hand xD
  • Dislike: Her hair and the background :<


Aglo © 29th Oct 2012 character by Aglo Aros art by LdT

  • DEDICATION: To its owner Aglo Aros
  • Time: I scribbled it down in one rush and the lines went pretty fast too :3
  • Medium/Material: Copic Marker, Pastel colours
  • Like: Her hair and the flower ~
  • Dislike: There's something wrong with the shoulder I think ....

To the two very lovely people Aglo and Mikey ♥ You can like them on Facebook too ! 

L.ove ~

18 October 2012

#008 Niji - Colourful Style [OC of DatKisu][KaKAO]

Nearly forgot to post this ACEO of mine for the lovely Kisu ♥
This is her OC Niji who has a very colourful style xD I'm not good in drawing things too colourful but I hope it's okay like this :3 My traded card of hers can be seen here
And yes, I'm running out of names xD

Niji - Colourful Style © 18th Oct 2012 character by DatKisu art by LdT
  • DEDICATION: Kisu ♥
  • Time: ??
  • Medium/Material: Copic Marke, Colour Pencils, Neon Colour Pencils
  • Like: Laptop and Mouse, her hair :)
  • Dislike: ...*cough* >.<
Her hair is Blueviolet mixed with Redviolet. Since she's changing her hair with the mood she has I guess two colours will be also ok xD The reason for the colours are Bonny Rumsfield, Yora-chan and Selena~chan xD


10 October 2012

#007 Kyomi [OC of BonnyRumsfield][KaKAO]

Another arTTrade from my dearest Bonny ♥ :3 I love your card for me soooooo incredibly much ! *takes card dancing around* ♫

Kyomi ♥ Shine in Colours © 10th Oct 2012 character by Bonny Rumsfield art by LdT
  • DEDICATION: Bonny Rumsfield ♥
  • Time: ?? :/
  • Medium/Material: Copic Marker, Colour Pencils, Pastel colours, White Ink, Nail Polish xD
  • Like: The dress... ? xD And the necklace ^^
  • Dislike:The background >.<
 Kyomi is such a cutie :3 To everyone who don't know Bonny's awesome manga yet, you should definitely check her facebook page out ;)


#006 Lynx [OC of Chizeru][KaKAO]

I'm doing a lot of arTTrades lately so you can be sure to see a lot more :D
This time it's Lynx, a catboy OC of Chizeru ♥ Can't wait for your card ! :3

Lynx © 05th Oct 2012 character by Chizeru art by LdT
  • DEDICATION: Chizeru ♥
  • Time: ??
  • Medium/Material: Copic Marker
  • Like:The colours of the background, his eyes and the skin tone xD
  • Dislike:probably his hair ? :<
I had great trouble dealing with this picture since it has been more than 6 years (I've figured that out because I was looking at my old picture when I was home) since I last drew a Nekomimi xD On top of that I can't draw guys (they're usually not manly enough imo) and it was even harder for me since he got long hair x__x
Also it was my first time coloring a character with dark skin, but I guess it went well ? :)
I kinda like the colour combination in the background green-yellow-pinkish red ♥ :D

L.dT ♥

05 October 2012

#005 Fairy Cross' Fire Mage Annju [OC of Annju][KaKAO]

This is my 5th ACEO and an arTTrade with Annju who draw me my OC Akemi instead :3

Fairy Cross' Fire Mage Annju © 05th Oct 2012 character by Annju art by LdT
  • DEDICATION: Annju/Nekome xD
  • Time: I made a lot of scribbles for a couple of KaKAOs so I don't know anymore how long it took ...
  • Medium/Material: Copic Marker, Colour Pencils, Pastel colours
  • Like: Her hair, eyes and the cross xD
  • Dislike: Why the hell did I create that design again ? xD
Annju, often mistaken as a female Robin Hood (but you better not tell her), is Annju/Nekome's OC from our Fairy Cross RPG :) Created a few years ago she's made it through until now xD While it's Nekome's OC, I was the one who designed her first back then and I still wonder why I chose that horrible costume design for the group xD

L.ove ~

25 September 2012

#004 Blue's Dream [OC] [KaKAO]

As you can see I'm busy with drawing lately so here is finally the full Version of Little Blue:

Blue's Dream [OC] © 24th September 2012 by LdT
  • DEDICATION: To my Love for the Colour Blue xD
  • Time: worked on it for two days a couple of hours each
  • Medium/Material: Aquarell (Watercolour), Ink, Colour Pencils, White Gel Pen
  • Like: BLUE and the hair :D
  • Dislike: The failed background I guess D:

Here are some WIPs I made:
You can see them in full size on my facebook page ;)

17 September 2012

Blue's Story [OC]

Blue's Story © 18th September 2012 by LdT

This is my OC Blue Belle ♥ (Just decided it to be one xD)

This picture was drawn unintenionally. I was doing a scribble for a new KaKAO so when I scanned it to do the lines on my Laptop the graphic tablet wasn't working properly because I used the GT of my brother who had lost the driver program for it =.=

So while I was annoyed that I couldn't use the GT, since I have nothing but my Copics for Art Supply here right now (and I wanted to do this one digital!), I started to blemish deform the picture with a lot of Blue using the stylus pen which was functioning just like a PC mouse OTL....

Don't know if this can be count to paintings, but well...I kinda like this style xD

Even though this picture looks really simple I had a lot of problems with it because I'm usually a person who loves to draw details. But I wanted to do a rough one once so I had to pull myself together not to correct, straighten and prettify anything... and this is the result °A°

And yes, the original drawing will still be uploaded once I get back to my appartment so that I can use my own Graphic Tab to finish it >o< ♥

I like Blue ! ♥ ...I mean the colour of course ^w^


P.S.: Oh right, about the title name... This OC's name is Blue so I was looking for some things which might fit but my little brother told me to name it Blue's Story cause our Nintendo DS in Baby Blue had an account name called Bluestory xD Pretty nonsense but yeah ~♥

16 September 2012

#003 On Sleepless Nights...- Cleo [OC] of Cleo-sama (Animexx) [KaKAO] [arTTrade]

Hello it's me again and I have the feeling that I seem to be very productive in September °A° hyyaa!

So, Cleo-sama (Animexx) and I had decided a while ago to exchange KaKAO cards also known as ATC or also ACEO.

Since she already finished her picture for me ( a very sweet one of Howl's Moving Castle, one of my favourite Movies ♥) I had to draw her OC Cleo :)

I had a bit trouble with finding a good idea to display her character since I only had basic information about her apearance so I took some time to go through her Fanarts and Dôjinshis in the hope to draw a Cleo which at least fits a bit to the original xD

I really hope you are content with this Cleo-sama and it was fun to draw someone else's OC :3

On sleepless nights... - Cleo © 16th September 2012 art by LunarT, character by Cleo-sama

  • DEDICATION: Of course to the OC's Owner Cleo-sama :3
  • Time: about 4-5 hours(because I made tons of scribbles and spend hours of thinking what background I should do ...)
  • Medium/Material: Copic Marker, Colour Pencils, White Gel Pen
  • Like: The dress I designed which is tried to be held simple *lol*
  • Dislike: The lost shadowwwwws T^T
I really wanted to make the picture even darker (since I can't draw dark pictures lol) but well... it could be considered to be semi-dark ? xD
And also I usually dislike the violet colours but this violet is okay to me :3
Right, and the last thing, the moon is painted with nail polish and it's silver (don't ask me why I did that with nail polish...it just suddenly came over me ...).

L.dT <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
P.S.: Wanna see the card I got in exchange ? ^^ Click HERE

11 September 2012

#002 Hayuki [OC] [KaKAO]

My 2nd KaKAO and another OC of a story which is still lingering in my mind :)
Even though I doubt that I'll bring any of my stories onto the paper it's still fun to draw the characters haha ^^

Here are the lines of Hayuki:

In the story Hayuki is a princess but has to grow up half of her childhood outside of the Royal Family due to a great war between the countries which lead to the death of her parents.
Keeping her true identity as a secret she lives among the poor people as one of the leaders of a rebel group which consist mainly of children and teenagers who want to go against the new regime of the enemy...

It's just a simple story by now but I really wish I could draw it one day :)

Here's the full coloured picture of Hayuki :

#003 Hayuki [OC] © 11th September 2012 by LdT

The background is a bit uncreative but well... I like the little sword pendant on the top corner :)
I wanted to finish that KaKAO after thinking about a proper background for 2 days so I decided to let it be simple...

Hope you like it ;)


10 September 2012

Copic Lighttracer [arTSuppL.y]

Yaay ~♥ It's finally here ♥
My Copic Lighttracer inckuding a Cutting Mat and a Copic Ciao Display since my Copic Collection has grown by now :)

Comic Master Tracer LED-A4 from Copic ♥
Going to test it in the next days :3


08 September 2012

Copic Chart 2012 [arTSuppL.y]

While waiting for my freshly ordered Lighttracer I downloaded the Original Copic Chart and filled in the Copic Colours I currently have plus some of my brother's.
I use this list to have a comparison between the colours and those I don't have so that I know which colours I should be next when I need some new :)

My own Copic Chart will be redone now because I bought some new colours so since my printer is broken lately I have to use this one for the meantime.

Unfortunately, the bright colours like YR0000, E0000 etc. can't be seen on this scan :/


16 August 2012

Winsor & Newton Ink [arT SuppL.y]

I recently went to an Art Shop in Vietnam and found some Colour Inks from the brand Winsor & Newton so I decided to buy some of them :)

The price was ~58.000 VND which is currently about 2,18 €.

Anyone who knows this brand or ink and would like to share her or his experience with me ? :)

I kinda love buying Art Supplies randomly ...♥


05 July 2012

Thank You ♥ [B-Day Card]

Thank You ♥ [B-Day Card] © 5th July 2012 by LdT
  • DEDICATION: To all my friends who remembered my birthday ♥ :)
  • Time: about 4-5 hours because I forgot to save once again and had to start anew -.-*
  • Medium/Material: Graphic Tab Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen&Touch S
  • Program: Adobe Photoshop CS 6, some chinese editing program (I can't read a single thing of it lol)
  • Like: The Colours xD My new signature and the border! ♥ :D
  • Dislike:Minimalistic coloration I know xD
Despite my little depression of becoming once again a year older (and I really feel ooooooold right now xD) thanks to all for the many congratulations from all around the globe haha ^^! ♥ I spent a wonderful day with awesome people and a sleepover at my friend's house and they even prepared delicious dinner for me :3
Also a big thanks for all the presents ♥ I love them all :D

Chicas, you are the greatest !! Love you :***

H.A.P.P.Y. D.A.Y.~♥

22 June 2012

Sweet 18th [Birthday Pic to Sema]

Sweet 18th [to Sema] © 22nd June 2012 by LdT

  • DEDICATION: Birthday Girl Sema :)
  • Time: about 3-4 hours (from midnight until 3:29 am x__x)
  • Medium/Material: Graphic Tab Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen&Touch S
  • Program: Adobe Photoshop CS 6
  • Like: The dress itself xD
  • Dislike: The coloration could've been a bit better ^^" , I just couldn't make her shoes look better -.-
A little Happy Birthday gift which I completed at 3 o'clock in the morning... It was requested by a good friend and she gave me some photos for the pose, the dress and of course photos of her sister Sema ^^
I hope Sema was able to recognize herself and identify herself with this Chibi, idk xD

Also it was a good chance trying out my new Photoshop program which works awesome after some technical problems :)

L.d.T ~♥

30 May 2012

満月 を さがして... 吉良 • 托人[Finding Mitsuki - Kira•Takuto]

 満月 を さがして... 吉良 • 托人[Fullmoon o sagashite by A.Tanemura] © 30th May 2012 by LdT

満月 を さがして... - Finding Mitsuki...

吉良 • 托人 - Kira • Takuto

I ♥ Arina Tanemura !

She is one of my favourite Manga Artists ♥

It's been a while since I last read Fullmoon o sagashite or any of her other manga but I still love all of her works :3

The characters 満月 stands for full moon which can also be read Mitsuki, the name of the protagonist ^^
So to me it's not Finding the Fullmoon [Fullmoon o sagashite] but Finding Mitsuki because it is also possible that Takuto wants to find his beloved Mitsuki :3

This fanart is dedicated to my friend _Nekome_-chan and it is completely coloured with a PC-Mouse and no graphic tablet. It was a big challenge to me, who is still a newbie with Digital Arts and Programs but in the end I think I'm quite satisfied with the result :)

There are still a lot of mistakes and uncleanliness in this picture but I just decided to let it be xD
The scribble and lines to this picture were done in 2009 but I was too busy (or lazy) to finish it until now.
Actually it was even an accident that I gave this picture a coloration. I just wanted to try a bit if it's also possible to only use the mouse instead of my tablet but then I got caught up in the work and decided to complete the coloration lol..

Hope you like it and share this to fellow Arina Tanemura fans haha ^^
I added some of the progress' Step-by-Step of this picture :)

Aaaaand : I'm now also available on Facebook !
-->  Click & Like !! ♥

Pls check out my site and like it :D
If you've also got a fb-page feel free to tell me ! ;)

Love xoxo

LdT ♥

19 May 2012

French-German Student Exchange 2008

This one was drawn back in 2008 if I remember correctly and I honestly forgot that I've ever drawn this xD
Just a couple of days ago my brother send it to me, saying that my former French Teacher still had these pictures drawn by me (top, front cover) and my friend (bottom, back cover) for the exchange trip when we had been to France.

 French Exchange Trip 2008 © 2008 by LdT (top picture) & H.N.N. (bottom picture)
  • DEDICATION: Obviously to all those who took part in that exchange ^^
  • Time: Since it's been a long time ago and I didn't even remember ever drawing this I'd guess less than an hour maybe ?
  • Medium/Material: Pencil & FineLiner
  • Like: Can't find anything xD
  • Dislike: Well..it's been a while after all so ...
Even though not really helpful it was still a good experience to take part in that exchange and it was actually nice to meet new French friends. 
The reason we drew this (I think) was to give the brochure my teacher was preparing for us students (as well as the French students..) a nice cover so we thought we'd do one for the front and one for the back of it. It's like we wanted to say before we went for the exchange trip everyone was quite clueless how it would be and if we could manage to socialize there with our basic French knowledge learned in school. In the end we're parting with contentment and a suitcase full of new experiences ! ..or so ...whatever xD
Anyways ~ I miss the time being in school and having time for the whole day for drawing may it be in class or during the breaks ♫ xD Even this French teacher of ours got used to it when I was in Secondary so that even if she knew I was drawing she didn't say a thing about it :D At break time she even passed by and wanted to take a look, which was actually quite werid at times because she was that interested o.O

Sooo,... even though it's a bit embarassing to show this very old picture I thought it shouldn't be burried somewhere either haha :D


22 April 2012

[Random] About Art Supplies & Stuff [001]

Hi to everyone ;)

I thought that since I am not posting constantly about new Artworks, I could use some space and post about Art Supplies I use or I'd like to have :D
You're most welcome to give me some advice if you've got any experience with the things I post here ;)

So first of all today I coincidentally stumbled on this:

It's a limited Edition of 888 either Biros or Pens from the Brand Caran d'Ache Geneve for the Year of the Dragon in 2012. 
Total cost: 2500,-€

The description I found about this 'objet d'art' which is surely not for using imo:
The Chinese lacquering is a masterpiece of craftsmanship: the body of the pen is given several coats, first red then black. The result is a truly dramatic contrast as the fire-red dragon seems to explode out of an infinity of intense black. The Geneva company is one of the very few Western manufacturers to master this ancient technique. Chinese lacquer is a natural product, derived from the resin of the "Rhus Vernicifera", that creates delicate reflections and incredibly deep colours. Chinese Lacquer is applied by hand in a succession of layers then polished many times in an exclusive process that combines traditional Chinese methods and modern technology. The mystery surrounding the colour of Chinese lacquer is even greater.
But it would be really nice to have one though, wouldn't it ? :'D

13 April 2012

Chimney-san Good Luck Charm ☆

Chimney-san Good Luck Charm © 2010/12 by LdT

Wish you much Luck on Friday 13th ♥ :D

  • Medium: Copic Marker
This is Chimney-san, the hard-working but ever-smiling Chimney Sweeper from Brittannia ♥
He works precisely and fast in the middle of the dark when the moon is watching from the deep, nightblue sky and whenever he finishes fixing and cleaning a chimney he'll leave a clover-leaf behind at a hidden place between the bricks on top of a roof for wishing good Luck and Safety...

Haha just joking ~~  xDD

I drew Chimney-san some years ago on another picture with the topic: Luck&Happiness.
Because I dislike that picture but Chimney-san, I decided to cut him out of it and give him some more extra-space as a Good-Luck-Charm here :3
Simply-drawn but simple is best, isn't it ? :D I usually have a problem with drawing simple things or rather keep thinks simple and plain xD That's why I like Chimney-san |D
The Chinese Character  褔 (fù) means Luck ^^

So I'm wishing you to have Luck on this Friday 13th instead of misfortune ! ;)


22 March 2012

I ♥ Asian Music [LunarDragonTunes.wordpress.com]

I ♥ Asian Music [Lunardragon.Tunes] © 22 March 2012 by LdT

Visit my Music Blog: http://lunardragontunes.wordpress.com 
Like it on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LunardragonTunes

  • DEDICATION: To all Asian Music Lovers ! ♥
  • Time: 4 days a couple of hours each day
  • Medium/Material: Graphic Tab Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen&Touch S
  • Program: Adobe Photoshop 7
  • Like: The Hair, the lips & the headphones :D
  • Dislike: The skinshades in her face, the hand
  • Step by Step: Took 6-7 pictures while working on it you'll find them on animexx ;)
My first drawing in 2012 ♥ Although I actually have to work on a lot of different things I somehow came to finish this spontanous drawing first ^^"
I tried out my new Graphic Tablet (another Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen&Touch S but the newest Version) and ended up working for 3 days on it ....
Actually it was even 4 days because after I worked for 8 hours on it, my Photoshop crashed down and deleted everything so that I had to start again from the very beginning -.-

Anyway, this was the first time my father ever ever EVER !! praised me for my drawing !! T^T ~♥
I don't even know why it's this picture out of all but I never ever thought this would happen >w<''
Somethin' must have gone wrong xD

I like the headphones and the colour of it :D It's actually something between an earphone and a headphone...
And I also like her hair. Sometimes short hair is really cool too ! I was tired of all the girls-have-long-hair drawings so I decided to keep it short ♥ :)
Uhm .... and .. I hate drawing hands !!! :D But she's got turkey nail polish like her eyes and the phones ! xD

In the background, I listed up the most popular and famous and for me most interesting and favorable artists of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese Music. There are a lot of Korean artists because Kpop is my favourite music style x3

Of course it wasn't possible to write down all of them but I think I got the most of them and even though you can't see, in fact there are a lot more on those picture but you just can't see because it's covered by the character in the front xD Some can only be seen with the first letters so maybe you can take a guess who's else mentioned here ? haha :D

Come to think of it, I've been in love with music since ever as far as I can remember, starting when I was only 1 year old child, singing around at home and even my (awful) singing was recorded in a couple of old video tapes by my parents xD Most embarassing things of childhood are always recorded on tapes :D
In Elementary School I learned playing the flute and keyboard and in middle school I also learned playing the guitar. Unfortunately although I love music I can't play the instruments well xD But I stick to listening to music every possible minute I can ♥

I'm especially into Kpop for nearly 10 years already !! ö.ö Seeing it this way I'm feeling really old with my total of 18 years of life haha ~ There was a time in between when I loved J-pop (only the Anime OST) and J-rock and listened to C-Pop but it in the end I always focussed on Kpop my favourite of all Asian Music Styles.
Sometimes I'm also listening to V-Pop (Vietnamese Pop) and V-Rap but it's hard to find good ones among them especially because I'm probably a bit oversensitive with English Pronunciation of Asians haha ^^

I created my music blog http://lunardragontunes.wordpress.com a couple of years ago but back then it was named under http://cherryart.wordpress.com.
Last year I changed the name and moved it to Lunardragon.Tunes and starting in February 2012 there's also a Facebook page where you can like and share my posts especially about Kpop music now. Currently it's mostly all about Kpop but I think that'll change soon :)
You can also follow me on Twitter to receive my Kpop Updates : @LunarTimes

I hope to get more likes on Facebook to see your interests ♥ If there'll be many likes I'm going to upload a picture I'm curently working on of a Kpop-Artist ♥ :D
So hit 'Like' and share this to all your Kpop-Loving-Friends !! ;)