07 March 2013

Sapphire [Sailor Moon]

Sapphire [Sailor Moon] © 28th Feb'2013 art by LdT
© character of Takeuchi Naoko
  • Time:  1hour 
  • Medium: Wacom Bamboo Fun, Paint Tool Sai (Colo) + PS Elements 7 (Lines)
  • Size: 482x485
  • Like: the character (I like his anime-version not the manga-version //D)
  • Dislike: messed up a lot but ... it's a scribble after all :3
I decided to do a Sailor Moon project a while ago but I somehow got stopped when I saw the currently held SailorMoon Project featured with many facebook artists. So instead of doing a set of ACEOs I decided to do coloured rough scribbles like these instead since I'm way faster like this :3

When I started to rewatch the anime I noticed that I have never really been reading the Manga so that's what I'm doing right now :) When I came to the chapter with Sapphire I was actually really disappointed since in my memories he was a very cool character //D So I drew this scribble based on the anime  ♥

I feel kinda old while watching Sailor Moon, seeing how many times have already passed ///D
This is my 3rd FanarT of a SM character. Funny, since SM is actually one of the first Animes and reasons why I started drawing >//<

Hope you like it ♥
