Thank You ♥ [B-Day Card] © 5th July 2012 by LdT
- DEDICATION: To all my friends who remembered my birthday ♥ :)
- Time: about 4-5 hours because I forgot to save once again and had to start anew -.-*
- Medium/Material: Graphic Tab Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen&Touch S
- Program: Adobe Photoshop CS 6, some chinese editing program (I can't read a single thing of it lol)
- Like: The Colours xD My new signature and the border! ♥ :D
- Dislike:Minimalistic coloration I know xD
Despite my little depression of becoming once again a year older (and I really feel ooooooold right now xD) thanks to all for the many congratulations from all around the globe haha ^^! ♥ I spent a wonderful day with awesome people and a sleepover at my friend's house and they even prepared delicious dinner for me :3
Also a big thanks for all the presents ♥ I love them all :D
Chicas, you are the greatest !! Love you :***
H.A.P.P.Y. D.A.Y.~♥