22 August 2011

Wasserleiche!/Lasagne? - Kirschkatzen-Stories I

Kirschkatzen-Stories I © 2010 by LdT

My first 4-Panel-ComicStrip. It's about me (Cherrymint) and my best friend Nekome.
That's why the stories are called Kirschkatze (Kirsche = Cherry, Katze = Cat = Neko).
We've experienced a lot of fun things together cause we've already known us for a long time.
This is one of the scenes which has happened in our daily life (and there will be more ! I hope...).

Hope you like it (though you might won't understand what we're doing xD ) ~

LdT ♪

P.S.: It's of course dedicated to Nekome-chan ♥ Thanks for being friends with me for so long (11 years already!) ! ;)

12 August 2011

Mirage - Collaboration with Lil_miss_w4rri0r ♥

Mirage © January 2009 by LdT (Colour&Lines) & lil_miss_w4rri0r (Lines)
  • Dedication: _Danzi_ ♥
  • Time: During School time, break etc. xD
  • Material/Media: Outliner, GIMP
  • Like: Teddy & Bunny ♥ xD Poor bunny though :(
  • Dislike: ...my lack of digital coloration skills ??? xD

Well that was my first try to color with computer so it may not look that good ...

The outlines are from me and lil_miss_w4rri0r , so that's a collab ;)
She has drawn everything on the left and everything on the right is mine :3

Actually the original title of this picture is : "You look like me ... just from inside"

The original version is uploaded on Animexx ^-^

When I think of how we finished this during school it was pretty funny xD
If I remember right we had a free lesson so we sat together and started drawing this picture for _Danzi_.
Although we worked as two people on this we somehow managed to finish it quite quickly :D
After the lines were done we decided to do a copy of it, in case the coloration would fail xD In fact we also couldn't decide on the colours.
We end up trying to use the copy machine in school which was broken even before we threw some coins in -.- But our math teacher and also senior classes coordinator saw it and offered to copy it for us because he thought we already spend money on the broken copy machine xD He even made several copies for us without knowing for what it was for haha ~
He did saw the picture in the end and seemed to be impressed but I really hope he didn't notice what we drew exactly on this picture (for example that really innocent meat chopper and the torn bunny...) :D Luckily there hasn't been any colour on the picture so he shouldn't have seen the blood either...

There are times when school was really fun no matter how you look at it but there's no way to go back :)
Time to move forward ~


10 August 2011

BoA Kwon [KPop Artist]

BoA Kwon © 2010 by LdT

It's a picture of BoA Kwon, a famous Korean Artist, I drew for Arts lessons in school back in 2010.

I didn’t really copy it e.g. I had to improvise for this ear on the picture because she had her hand in front of it (that's why it looks a bit awkward, mianhae BoA Unnie !! >.<)
Actually it doesn't even really look like her beside the hair style xD Well, anyway...

I found the original picture somewhere on the Internet, it should be one of her album covers.

BoA was one of my first and favourite Korean Singers ♥ It's been more than 5 years now and although she is currently active in the US and she has changed a lot I still like her :)

If you're interested in K-music please visit : http://lunardragontunes.wordpress.com 
or like it on Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/LunardragonTunes ♥


06 August 2011

#001 Akatsu [Stars&Skylines] [OC] [KaKAO]

#1 Akatsu - Stars & Skylines © July 2011 by LdT

This is my first KaKao with my OC Akatsu for my not-yet-existing Dôji Stars & Skylines.
I had to draw him with only 3 colors, That’s why one can’t really see the shadows of his skin etc.
The colors were:

E71 Champagne (Used: Hair)
YR0000 Pale Chiffon
(extremey bright ! Used: Skin)
B45 Smoky Blue
(Used: Hoodie)

Hope you like it :)


05 August 2011

Fairy Cross

 Cross Logo© 2010 by LdT
The Evil should better not CROSS our way !
Logo for Team Cross @Fairytail-manga.de & Guild Fairy Cross @de.canaan.gpotato.eu

Dedicated to all members ♥

04 August 2011

The four Brothers of Seasons

The 4 Brothers of Season © 2010 by LdT

Don't know to who this poem belongs to but I found it at a contest on Animexx ^^
Vier schöne Brüder kenn ich wohl,
geschmückt so wunderbar,
sie kommen schon seit alter Zeit
zu uns in jedem Jahr.

Der erste bringt uns einen Strauß,
streut Blumen um sich her.

Den zweiten schmückt ein goldner Kranz
von Ähren voll und schwer.

Der dritte reicht uns Äpfel dar
und neuen goldnen Wein.

Der vierte ist in Pelz gehüllt,
wie Schnee so weiß und rein.

Wer nennt die schönen Brüder mir,
geschmückt so wunderbar?
Sie kommen schon seit alter Zeit,
zu uns in jedem Jahr.
Who is your favourite ? ;) Which seasons do you like best ?

03 August 2011

Art is a BANG ! ♥ - Deidara [Akatsuki Member]

DeiDara - Art is a Bang © 2010 by LdT 

Art is a Bang ! ♥
Or also Art is BigBang ♥ (One of my favourite Korean Boygroups x3)

That Chibi, which you can see above, is Deidara from Naruto of Mangaka Masashi Kishimoto.
There was a time when I really liked Naruto…until it came to the German TV program RTL with a terrible pronounciation of the Japanese words, so that every little child on the street who watched it started to babbling wrong things, too >__>
Anyway, I like Deidara because he’s also an Artist :D And he’s cute x3

Hope you like it ♥


02 August 2011

日落 - 2009

日落 (Sunset) © 2009 by LdT

I found this poem in my Chinese Book, so unfortunately I don’t know who it belongs to.
白 日 依 山 尽

黄 河 入 海 流

欲 穷 千 里 目

更 上 一 层 楼

Der helle Tag versinkt hinter den Bergen,
der Gelbe Fluss fließt Richtung Meer,
mit dem Wunsch so weit wie möglich zu schauen,
steige ich noch ein Stockwerk höher.
The light of day sinks behind the mountains,
the Yellow River flows towards the sea,
with the desire to look as far as possible,
I even climb one floor higher.
Based on this poem I came to draw this picture by only using normal color pencils (approx. 12 colors max.). It took me a whole day for the draft and 9 hours to color it plus another hour for the finals.
I hope you like it :)

LdT ♥

01 August 2011

Welcome ♥

Hi to you who's visiting my sketchblog :)

I'm happy that you've found here and I hope you're going to take your time and have a look at my drawings and scribbles and ... whatever ^^

If you'd like to know something about me or my drawings feel free to ask ~ ♪

Love and Hugs~

LdT (Cherrymint)